This month savings rate: 77 %
12-month rolling expenses: 96.000 DKK (15.200 $)
My Coast FIRE number: 5.438.000 DKK (751.000$) or 57 years of living expenses.
7 Speaking Gigs
Here is the update. Better late than never. It is late because I’m working hard on a presentation for 7 speaking jobs in the next couple of months.
The majority of the speaking will be on schools. Which I look forward to. I would have loved as a young adult to get all of the FIRE knowledge as soon as possible. I know it would have been a game changer for my FIRE journey if someone has taught it to me as a teenager.
I got all this information as a 25 year old. And I’m super glad I didn’t get to know it as a 60 year old.
So that is why I have made a mission to teach young kids the philosophy and math lesson that every kid should have in school about finances, investing and environmental consuming.
For the next two weeks I will be sailing around in Denmark to the different speeches.
You can write me at, if you would like me to come and speak at your place too.
Looking Into Buying a Vacation House
Without going too much in details about my researching. I’m about to buy a vacation house. Not for pleasure, but business.
This vacation house is a hidden gem. The owner has not used it for 15+ years and it looks miserable. But it is the perfect buy for a guy like me, with a background in the construction business.
The owner is willing to sell for around 100.000 DKK (15.000$), and the neighbor house has just been sold for 800.000 DKK (126.000 $). So with a bit of renovation I might be able to sell a brand new vacation house for +900.000 DKK (140.000$).
Stay tuned.
Ready for the WWW?
Slowly I have started to make some progress on the:
Wannabe Walden Workshop.
It will be for you who would like to get started with investing and simplifying your life. But has a hard time to start doing so.
And! The first couple of workshops will come at a starting price of 100 DKK (15 $).
It will include:
- Insights in my portfolio and investment Philosophy
- A private Facebook group
- Invitations for yearly meet-ups
- A forum where there is room for “stupid” questions
- You will make your first investment
Stay tuned.
Thanks To My Sponsor
Again again again.
Thanks to my sponsor for sponsoring!
Hvordan kommer du frem til dit Coast-FIRE-nummer? Jeg synes ikke, jeg kan finde forklaringen via linket.
Jeg regner således på det.
At jeg får 7 % på min afkast årligt, også tid indtil jeg fylder 65 år. Så jo yngre du er, jo bedre.